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‘Up in arms’: Pauline Hanson slams Labor’s push for wind turbines
‘They haven’t got the guts’: Pauline Hanson slams Labor’s misinformation bill
Referendum | Pauline Hanson's Please Explain
Veterans deserve better and immigration madness | Pauline Hanson Interviewed by Chris Kenny on Sky
Power prices on east coast ‘tripled’ over the last decade
Governments on ‘ideological crusade’ with renewables ‘hurt their own countries’
WA's new Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act is a glimpse of life after Albanese's Voice
Labor has ‘lost interest’ in Australia’s productivity, says Shadow Treasurer
Most Aussies want lower immigration, time for Government to listen to them!
Offshore wind farm proposal is ‘absolute madness’
July to be the world's hottest month on record
Liberals pull ahead of Labor in WA polls over ‘Aboriginal heritage laws’: Bolt